Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Fish Oil Intake, how much - Experts recommendation

Many people have asked me how much exactly to take, I often tell them how much is dependent on what you're using it for and how are you using it.
As i don't have a crystal ball to foresee everyone's circumstances, i'll put together articles of what most experts have to say about the dosage of fish oil.

These are establish authors who have made a name for themselves in the fitness community across the world.

Charles Poliquin -
Our “cavemen” ancestors used to consume a diet that had a 1 to 1 ratio of Omega 6s to Omega 3s. Today, the typical American diet has a ratio of 50:1. Is that progress?

When we do not possess the optimal 1:1 ratio, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and stroke risks increase dramatically. Even if you agree with some authors that a 6:1 ratio is more realistic, it is clear that the vast majority of people in the modern era are not getting enough “Omega” in their diet.

Consume 30 to 45 grams of fish oil a day. Our Paleolithic ancestors consumed 300-400 grams of Omega 3s a week. Make sure they are free of heavy metals and solvents such as hexanes.


Lyle Mcdonald -

Q: I read in quite a lot of places that fish oil capsules or cod liver oil are a great supplement for controlling inflammation and improving nutrient partitioning, but no one gives any information about dosing. I have no idea how much of this stuff to ingest. Have you formed any guidelines as a result of your research?

A: A fairly standard dose of fish oil in the studies is the equivalent of 6X1 gram capsules. The average capsule has 180 mg epa and 120 dha so 6 capsules will provide 1020 mg epa and 720mg dha for a total of 1.8 grams of total fish oil. I would consider this basically the minimum daily amount that would be beneficial on any level.

Some work has identified that the body will hit a limit (in terms of plasma saturation) on DHA at 1.2 grams per day which is the equivalent of 10X1 gram fish oil capsules. That would also provide 1.8 grams EPA for a total of 3 grams per day of fish oil. Under most conditions, I think this is more than enough.

A friend who uses fish oiils to control her arthritis will often go as high as 15X1 gram capsules although I haven’t seen that supported in the literature. I’d note that higher doses are not better here (although some are currently recommending absurd amounts). Excessive fish oil can impair the body’s ability to mount a proper immune response, as well as impairing insulin release.

Carlson’s fish oil contains roughly the equivalent of 4X1 gram fish oil capsules per tsp., I don’t know the values on cod liver oil offhand.

My current generic recommendation is the middle level, 10X1 gram capsules per day for 3 grams total fish oil. This should provide maximal benefits (in terms of partitioning and health) with minimum negatives. Individuals trying to control a specific excessive inflammatory condition may wish to experiment with higher doses (15X1 grams capsules or 3-4 tsp Carlson’s fish oil per day).


Dr. John Berardi -

Tip: Fish Oil Rules

“I consider fish oil to be an essential supplement for fat loss.

Data from the University of Western Ontario shows that fish oil supplementation increases lean body mass (during non-dieting conditions), increases BMR (by up to 400kcal/day), decreases inflammation, and improves the ratio of fat/carb oxidized (sparing carbs, burning fat).

Recommended dose: Start with 6-10g per day of total fish oil (assuming 30% EPA and DHA).”


Hope this helps in your fish oil dosing, so that you find a level optimum to your lifestyle, diet and goals.

Yours in health - Louis.

*please send me an email regarding your inquiries, if you leave a comment at least leave behind your email address so that i can get back to you.
