To all those who love honey but finding it expensive - I have the best deals for you.
Unique MGO™ Manuka Honey is collected from a
What was causing the antibacterial activity remained unknown for almost 15 years.
The discovery came from the research group led by Professor Thomas Henle,
“We unambiguously demonstrate for the first time that Dietary Methylglyoxal is directly responsible for the anti-bacterial activity of manuka honey”
(reported Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, January, 2008)
So far MGO™ Manuka honey has been the only food in the world found with such a significant Dietary Methylglyoxal content ranging from 20mg/kg to over 800mg/kg. In contrast all other honeys worldwide tested have ranged between 1 to 10 mg/kg, other foods range from 0 to 50mg/kg with coffee and cocoa being the highest.
Retail prices -
1000 grams - $79.90
500 grams - $42.80
My prices -
1000 grams - $65
500 grams - $35