In my honest opinion, absolutely not! That is unless you can consume at least 4-5 big servings of organic vegetables in your diet daily and reduce your acid forming food intake - which is impossible really.
This is a chart to see what is sways your body towards acidity and akaline ( Acid/Base)
Looking at the chart and reflecting on your diet, its hard not to notice that most of your food aren't base forming to neutralize the acidity. And looking upon my own diet, as a regular gymrat, I can't help but not notice how little base forming foods i've been eating all the time, especially when we have our meals outside most of the time.
To give you a good example, I'll share with you a sample of my daily diet on a good day -
Meal 1 - 1 Cup Milk + 1 Cup Mixed Nuts Museli + 2 scoops of Whey
Meal 2 (Pre workout meal) - 4 half boiled eggs + 1 cup of Ice Coffe with evaporated milk less sugar
Meal 3 (Post workout meal) - Fried Fish Soup - 40-50g of Fish + 20grams of Green vegetables + 1-2 piece of tofu
Meal 4 (Post-Post Workout meal) - 1 Steak + 1-2 stalks of Carrots
Meal 5 - 2 Cups hams + 2 cups Carrots
I think many of you, have diet some what similiar to mine. Taking more meat but forgetting the vegetables but don't blame yourself and hang your head low in guilt.
Even if you go outside to order chicken rice, a typical plate of $5-6 worth of meat only contains only a little bit of cumcumber.
So whats the big deal, with the Ph balance?
Excess acidity forces the body to borrow minerals - including sodium,calcium, potassium and magnesium -from vital organs and bones to buffer (neutralize) the acid and to safely
remove it from the body. As a result, the body can suffer severe and prolonged
‘corrosion’ due to high acidity - a condition that may go undetected for years.
It affects virtually every person in our society because of the way we live, theway we eat, the way we think, and the environment welive in. The result is an internal environment where dis-ease can easilymanifest, as opposed to a pH-balancedenvironment which allows for normalbody functions - necessary for the bodyto resist dis-ease. It is true that if wehave a healthy body, we will maintain sufficient alkaline reserves to meet emergency demands.
Excess body acidity (acidosis) is thought to be the first step towards premature aging, interfering with eyesight and memory, and creating wrinkling, age spots, dysfunctioning hormone systems, and a host of age related phenomena. Also, cancerous cells grow well in acidic mediums.
In fact, studies are confirming that body acidity is implicated in all diseases.
Initial signs of Body tissue acidity include:-
· Feeling weak, tired and having low energy.
· Needing more sleep.
· Experiencing agitation, anxiety, panic attacks and depression.
· Having skin problems eg. Eczema, acne and hives.
· Feeling nauseous.
· Experiencing heartburn (many people are taking ant-acids these days).
· Suffering generalised aches and pains,and
· Diarrhoea or constipation or bloating.
· Cramping before or during periods.
· Loss of libido.
· More dental decay.
Signs of long-term body acidity are far more serious: -
· Osteoporosis.
· Chronic digestive problems.
· Poor immunity, including fungal and bacterial infections.
· Arthritis, joint and ligament problems.
· Kidney stones, kidney diseases and gout.
· Heart problems and circulation problems.
· Cancers.
I don't wish to be a scare monger but if you're experiencing this, then something is terribly wrong and you may be eating "clean" and supposedly healthy but still you're experience all this terrible side effects.
From personal experience, when i stop short of taking greens for just 1 or 2 days, i'd get acne break outs here and there. I do feel tired and my sleep is just not as good as it use to be.
My only solution that i can think of to ease these problem is to get more vegetables - which is quite hard because of the puny portion when you eat outside or try to add more vegetables and eliminate high acid forming foods.
If all else fails, then i'll just turn to two teaspoon of Green supplements which i can easily down before bed.
If you have other better ways that are convient, feel free to share with me.
So do you really need Greens/Superfood supplement now?